Befriend Your Nervous System

Gain an understanding of your nervous system and the Polyvagal Theory.

Begin to recognize your nervous system states and learn to shift to embodied peace.

Increase your nervous system capacity and flexibility to support all other transformational modalities.

Go beyond emergency measures and build your capacity for lasting nervous system resilience.

Discover your Nervous System

Gain a basic cognitive understanding of how your nervous system works as well as the newest science about the nervous system - the Polyvagal Theory.

Increase your Window of Tolerance

Learn and practice dozens of Nervous System Resourcing techniques to transform stress and overwhelm, as well as increase your capacity to navigate life's challenges

Open to Deeper Transformation

As your nervous system capacity and flexibility grows, you tap into the innate wisdom of your body. You become more open to the healing power of other modalities and therapies

Free 60 minute Introduction on what Nervous System Resilience is, including 3 easy techniques you can start using right now.

A sample of what you will learn in the full course.

Become Resilient

Self Paced Course

4 Modules - Science-based Embodied Learning

35+ Videos

Written Manual

Charts, Diagrams, and Worksheets

Join us for Live Learning Labs

Bonus Videos Continually Added

Angela MacLeod

As Part of the first Kiloby Inquiries (KI) training group led by Scott and Julianne, Angela was certified in August 2019 and has been practicing KI and facilitating clients ever since. She is a support facilitator in KI trainings, and was co-trainer with Julianne for the KI Self-Support course.

Angela experienced profound changes in her wellbeing by working with her own nervous system in conjunction with KI and other modalities. She was so enthusiastic about her discoveries she began studying the Polyvagal nervous system.

Over the last 4 years she has been developing this course on Nervous System Resilience and sharing it with colleagues and students, clients and friends. She draws on the work of Stephen Porges, Deb Dana, Bessel van der Kolk, Bonnie Badenoch and others who are currently at the leading edge of applying the Polyvagal Theory to therapeutic and human development areas of life.

Angela is a certified practitioner, teacher and coach in the following modalities: Kiloby Inquires, Embodied Processing, Laban Movement Analysis and Qigong (Taoist movement practice). 

See more about Angela's offerings here:


"To all of my trainees, I highly recommend that you take this course with Angela. While I cover some of it in my training, this is a deeper dive into the nervous system and self regulation skills. You won't be disappointed. It can help you with your own nervous system regulation, and help you be better prepared for working with highly dis-regulated clients.”

~Julianne Eanniello ~ Facilitator and Trainer, The Kiloby Inquiries and The Living Inquiries

“I really appreciate the way Angela presents the Nervous System Resilience Course. She provides all of the information in an organized manner and then she introduces and models the practices so the participants can get in touch with how the practices are experienced personally. I have used the basics of what I learned with my clients by explaining some of the theory as well as having them practice and observe the results in real time during sessions. I highly suggest this course to anyone as it can help you as a participant and give you enough confidence to share this with your clients so they can be benefited as well”. 

 ~ June Jackson - KI facilitator

Philip Jerzy

Philip Jerzy Nienartowicz is a meditation teacher and certified KI facilitator and is also trained in the Gabor Mate's Compassionate Inquiry method. In his one-on-one sessions, he often combines guided inquiry with teaching, believing that building self-sufficiency and working with the resistance/uncertainty that blocks it is paramount to a real shift in well-being. Philip occasionally provides support for KI facilitator training and is skilled in helping people through the inquiry learning process. During the Covid-19 pandemic he co-hosted weekly inquiry workshops helping people begin or deepen their skills. You can listen to his guided meditations and guided inquiries at

Testimonial from Scott Kiloby:

“Although Philip is in his 20s, don’t let his age fool you. He is an old and wise soul and among the most skilled facilitators in our program. At the Kiloby Center, it’s virtually impossible to get most young adults under the age of 25 into inquiry or awakening. They either haven’t suffered enough yet, aren’t mature enough yet or are too focused on worldly things. Philip shatters that stereotype to pieces. I have no idea whether Philip even wants to be a teacher. There’s no telling how far Philip will go, but I foresee him helping thousands of people in the future. He is certainly more skilled, mature and humble than even the most popular younger nonduality teachers I see coming out of the woodwork these days. When Philip was evaluated on his skill level at the end of KI training, I immediately certified him. It was a no-brainer. He had mastered the skills. I felt like I was watching someone who had been training in this work for decades. He is truly a natural born facilitator. I taught him the skills. But he took it from there. Now he is his own brand. But more than that, he is a very sweet, non-judgmental, open and loving guy.

Watch for the name Philip Jerzy. You’ll be seeing it more and more in the next few years.” ~ Scott Kiloby

Nervous System Resilience Course

Now only $250!

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Nervous System Resilience

Course Overview

Module 1: Basics of the polyvagal nervous system

Resourcing your nervous system ~ exercises and techniques

The Importance of Nervous System Resilience

Understanding the Polyvagal Nervous System

Beyond NS First Aid to Lasting Resilience

How to's and Homework

Module 2 Recognizing nervous system states

Resourcing your nervous system ~ exercises and techniques

Fun Review of the Nervous System


Guided Exercise: Embodiment

Your NS States and Shifting Them


How to's and Homework

Module 3 Resources and Techniques

Resourcing your nervous system ~ exercises and techniques

NS Flexibility and Transformational Inner Work

Zone of Containment

Discerning When and How to Use NSR

Summary and Homework

Module 4 Resilience and Resourcing

Beyond Emergency Measures: Lasting NS Resilience

Techniques for Expanding NS Capacity and Flexibility

The 4 Quadrant Map - A Holistic Tool

Customizing A Plan

Questions: Reflect and Integrate

Summary and More Resources


Master List of Terms

Resources for Further Study

NSR Manual - complete with all written content and charts

Working with Angela

Working With Philip

Printable Course Materials

Bonus Videos ~ Interviews

Live Learning Lab Replays